Natey Baby

Another quiet day, though we didn't read for quite so long today! 
We watched the livestream remembrance service from our UK church which was good. Then late morning we went for a walk around Dalt Vila with our cameras. I couldn't resist the blue and yellow together - if nothing else, Nate's new coat has been good for the photo ops!
Danny cooked a chicken and Asha and I got the craft bits ready for church tonight. When we got there there was next to no-one there and only 1 other kid as there's some highly contagious skin issue going round so everyone's staying home... but the kids and Aitana had fun doing what we'd got planned! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing some blue sky - we've had some rain too, but in the main it's been back to blue.
2) Getting to know Aitana better and her and Asha getting on well. She's Sole & Chele's great-niece.
3) Danny cooking a tasty dinner!

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