Look What I Found...
...While Raking Leaves!
Just when I thought it was all over out there in the garden, I discovered some flashes of colour...some hardy little plants still blooming despite the cold and the frosts and the impending snow......a last hurrah.
The leaves are late falling this year, so it is a bit of a race to get the garden cleared of them before the bad weather and before the deadline for our yard waste pick-up. .. I had planned on getting a good start on the raking today but only managed to get two bags full before the rain came...
Oh well, the rain gave me more time to read the Sunday paper, do the crossword, read my current novel, play on the computer, make to-do lists and - get this - wrap a Christmas gift! Now, I am free to watch TV tonight - Sunday being my favourite TV night - Masterpiece Theatre and all.
Life is good.
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