
By Legacy

Lizzie's Vet Visit

When Lizzie was last at the vet in Auugust of 2012, she weighed 21.3 pounds. Today she weighed 21.2 pounds, so I guess LIZZIE LOST WEIGHT! Well, I can pretend, can't I? I'm sure that one-tenth of a pound was the hair I combed out of her.

Anyway, she's now on a new diet/food developed to re-set whacky metabolisms. Since other than being seriously overweight she's in good health, we have to try it. Her vet says it will probably take about a year to get her where she should be. If she continues to lose at the rate of one-tenth of a pound every 7 months, it'll take her about 30 years to reach her goal so obviously we have to step it up a bit.

The young man examining Lizzie is an intern named Mark. He's studying veterinary medicine at Purdue University in Indiana and is interning at Lizzie's vetrinary hospital in Lynden, Washington. He was charming and had the all-important quality of engaging with both Lizzie and me -- I think he'll make a great vet. He's fortunate to be working with Dr. Jordan, Lizzie's favorite doctor. Our family hase been taking our critters to this vet clinic for over 30 years and even though it's a 20-mile drive for me now, I wouldn't go anywhere else. It's nice when you find doctors (human or animal) that you like. I''ve had more charge accounts at vetrinarians than department stores, so that should tell you how important my animals are to me.

So, Lizzie goes back for a weight check in a month and is supposed to be one, maybe two, pounds lighter by then. So all you blip kitty buddies out there (Libby, Raspberry, Melvin, Ralph, et al.), keep your paws crossed.

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