
The first engine of a freight train. We can feel a very light tremble in our apartment when they pass us in the tunnel and we definitely hear them too. Crazy whistles in these trains. Hanna said if she can't sleep she keeps watching out of the window and counting the wagons as and when they disappear in the tunnel. One had 51, the other one had 52.

I hope you are all having a good weekend!

PS This was a very quick shot of a passing train in a crossing and I had no time (= I was too slow) to think of the framing. Later, I tried to crop this in many ways but none of them seemed to work. So the framing is pretty much straight out of the camera, slightly cropped from the right/top. Any suggestions?

Home jury preferred the color version...

EDIT: Tried Joe's suggestion - now it's all about the hand and the wave!

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