The 'Lichtenhägener Mühle', Lichtenhagen, GERMANY

Surprise!  At least, it was a surprise of the pleasant kind to come across this windmill in the tiny village of Lichtenhagen near Rostock, between Lübeck and Lübmin.  How did I ever find this treasure?  Continuation of yesterday's adventure, which thankfully ended today.

09.00 - Woke up and discovered that I was hypoglycaemic, which is a bit more than just plain hungry.  The safe place I'd managed to sleep in for some 2.5 hours had no restaurant, but I wanted more than a wayside pick-up, so I drove on till a road sign said 'Stralsund', which seemed like a nice name, so off I went, especially remembering what AW told me the day before: 'Take your time coming home, go sightseeing like a tourist.'  Okay, AW, I'll transform from courier to tourist, for both our sakes, yea?
10.00 - Breakfast in Stralsund, but of course I had to park first and then walk about 1.5 km. to the old city centre.  The hotels had already shut for the winter, except one which, unfortunately, only served breakfast to its own guests.  There was a delightful bakery in the Neuemarkt, and I really took my time there, with two pancakes, thick bread, real butter, scrambled eggs, and fresh orange juice.  Took shots on the way back to the bus, then drove to another part of the town, parked again, walked to the beach through the park.  It was cloudy but not too grey, cold but dry.
After Stralsund, I took the long way back to the A20, passing by villages and hamlets, not stopping, just 'sighseeing' although there was not much to see.  Finally saw a sign that indicated that Rostock was close by, so drove in that direction.
And that was when I discovered that Rostock has not one but four windmills!  I could not shoot the first two because there was no place to leave the bus without risk, and had I done so I would have still had to walk quite a bit to reach either mill, with no guarantee that the owners would allow me to set foot in their 'backyards'.  I did not know about the third and fourth until I found myself just outside Rostock town proper, and suddenly there was this windmill just waiting to be shot.  If you look at the extra shot, you'll see the fourth one just a little bit more to the left.  I didn't spot it until post-processing, so that was one lucky break.  I am rather amused as such coincidences don't happen often.  Who would've thought!
14.00 or thereabouts - Back on the A20, serious now about the trip back.  And what a difference with a much lighter bus!
18.15 - Having returned to the A1 hours ago, now time for a short break somewhere between Bremen and Osnabrück.  Back and forth texts with AW.  Then I thought, I could eat something now, but he's going to prepare something, so if I hit the road now, the sooner home I'll be.
18.30 - Very awake, back on the road.  It had rained a bit, but traffic was loose.
21.02 - Crossed the German-Dutch border..... finally on home ground.
23.16 - Turned the front door key.  Mission accomplished!

I didn't do it for the adventure, although of course I knew it was going to be one.  I didn't do it either for the photographic or touristic opportunities.  I did this for more basic reasons that aren't all that difficult to figure out.

Dinner with fresh rice was waiting, but I told AW that I was too tired to eat everything, but that was okay.  And can you believe I took the time to upload my photographs and do a bit of mahjong before I went to bed?  Needless to say, with my legs tired and all, I had a very good night's sleep.

PS.  In case you were wondering, no, it is not my intention now to hunt for the German windmills.  There are enough here for a few years to come yet, and those elsewhere will just have to be by accident.  :D)

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