Smile on!

By Silverpritt

Fly up high

Today we went to my coworker's son's first birthday party at their beautiful acreage in Maple Ridge. The weather was perfect for an outdoor party at their gorgeous place complete with an amazing deck, saloon and a fire pit. It's a rare treat to us city people - cowboy hats, hay stacks, hay ride on a tractor, egg hunt on site, tree swing and 5 acre for them to roam freely within - pure awesomeness! I don't even think I've ever had that as a kid who grew up in the jam-packed Hong Kong.

Little A's favourite part was driving the tractor (the toy one AND the real one!), while OO was addicted to the tree swing. My best part was letting them play without having to supervise too closely!!

We can't wait to go to their annual apple-picking festivities come Fall (yes they have apple trees!!)

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