Duke - Dreaming of sky

Taken on a walk around Kiveton Community Woodland with Sal's mum and Holly.

"Depicting a pit pony hauling a tub of coal, Dreaming of Sky is the title of this sculpture by local artist Adam Reynolds. The cast iron work of art stands close to the viewpoint near the summit of what remains of the old Kiveton Park Colliery spoil heap (the pit tip), now tastefully landscaped and transformed into the centrepiece of Kiveton Community Woodland after the closure of the colliery in 1994.

The work was created to commemorate the lives of the many ponies that had, over the years, lived and worked underground at Kiveton Pit, their contribution to the mine and dedication to the men they served, as well as the hardship they endured. Unlike the men, who returned to the surface at the end of each shift, these ponies remained underground day and night for 50 weeks of the year, only being brought to the surface where they would see natural daylight for two brief weeks during the pit holidays, to laze, graze, and perhaps even dream, beneath an open sky before being returned to their subterranean home for another 50 weeks."

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