5 of the best…

Hi Everyone,

Went to the workshop today for about 4 hours… got some good stuff done however it was not what I planned so will need to play catchup on Thursday.

All the planned shredding got completed last night and once cooled down the shredder spang back into life. 

I had a SMS from my GP saying telephone the hospital for an appointment regarding my hip… When I phoned, they said, I have phoned too quick and phone back tomorrow. Anyway, with any luck I should get an appointment in the diary tomorrow.

With any luck I should also get my new machine moved upstairs on Friday as they need to get the man with the forklift for something else, so killing two birds so to speak.

Committee meeting of “the club with no grub” tonight, the only good thing of the meeting is that I have a pint. 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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