Bitten by a nasty dog

What happened was......................... There I was, walking home from the park sensibly on my lead, when all of a sudden I spotted a man, a little boy and a dog a bit bigger than me, standing on the pavement in front of us. (I think they were waiting to cross the road). The pavement was pretty narrow and the dog was giving me the 'evils'. Ann said, 'Trixie, just ignore him and walk past him.'

Mmmmmm............... that's what I tried to do, but do you know what he did when we got close to him?................. He snarled at me and tried to attack me. I immediately hid behind Ann's legs because I was very scared of him. And then while his owner was apologising to us for his behaviour, do you know what he did?.................. He tried to attack me again, but he couldn't because Ann's legs were in the way. So he just bit her leg instead!!!

Ann doesn't think he meant to bite her leg but it was really, really painful. We didn't hang around. Ann said, 'He's just bitten my leg', and then we walked off because she didn't want to get bitten again. The whole thing happened so quickly that Ann doesn't even think she'd recognise the man, the little boy or the dog again. Though we were outside the local primary school when parents were dropping off their kids so we have lots of witnesses.

The walk home was agony. Even though 'nasty dog' hadn't torn Ann's trousers she felt sure that there was going to be a big gash in her leg which would require her to go and get a tetanus injection. There wasn't! Honestly my human is such a drama queen?! Nasty dog hadn't even broken the skin. Phew! However a large purple bruise formed immediately and her leg has been sore all day.

This afternoon the plan was to walk through the Hermitage and then go up onto the Braid Hills. Best laid plans and all that............................ We took the top path through the Hermitage but Ann's leg was hurting her too much to walk up more hills so we came home via the bottom path by the burn.

I found this rather lovely stick and I carried it all the way home. Apparently Ann is getting really fed up with all the sticks and manky old tennis balls that we have in our flat. She says we're going to have a big sort out soon. I think that means a lot of my favourites 'finds' are going to be chucked out. Booohoooo.

As for Ann's leg; it's sore when she touches it and if she sits down for half an hour it seems to seize up and is very painful when she stands up. However things could have been so much worse. Nasty dog was bigger than me and if he'd managed to attack me, I'd probably be in a much worse state than Ann is.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

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