
Our local library did not open up after Covid, and it turns out it is due to be closed for two more years as it will be demolished and a new shiny library built.

But a few weeks ago they opened a temporary library at the local college, which is great, but this is not open after 5pm or at weekends.

So today we finally got to go on the way home from school!

CyclopsJnr still had eight books that he checked out pre-Covid! Luckily they don't charge late fees for kids and actually I think they waived fees over Covid anyway.

CyclopsJnr was very pleased to swap these books for some new ones. Last time he checked anything out he couldn't read, now he can read fairly well. He chose a few picture books, a few books that he'd be able to read himself, and a longer book that'd be read to him.

Hopefully we'll be able to go more regularly now.

Home for a few games of Guess Who and some Dino Air Hockey.

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