Trooping funnel

This is Missy's "what are you doing now" face.

An early early start for errands with the help of Mrs IttH, rewarded with a cafe breakfast and a chance encounter with the festival team....
.... Then a l-o-n-g... l-o-n-g day of study.
Despite extending the last module's final assessment date the University, for reasons that clearly don't have the students at the heart of them, decided not to alter either the next module start date or the assignment due dates in that module. So we effectively lost three weeks and have been given zero extra time. There are 20 learning hours per week. I have (approx) 20spare hours a week. It's fair to say its stressful lol.
My next assignment is due Monday. Between now and then I've three hill days of work. A massive mental health training tender to do (by Friday) and three presenting slots at the Mountain Festival.
There has been swearing and there has been stomping around the woods.
There will be late nights and early mornings but it will get done.

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