Oreo Update

We got Oreo into a very nice vet clinic in Corvallis today. What a nice touch; her name, and other patients for the day, were on a board outside, welcoming them. When we do add more animal family members, we will try to get them into this clinic. It’s an hour away, but well worth the drive.

Here’s what we know about Oreo. She has high blood pressure, she has lost a lot of weight (from around 9 pounds down to 6), she has a significant heart murmur, and suspected kidney problems. The problem with treating the kidney issue with subcutaneous injections is those increase the risk of heart failure. “A rock and a hard place,” Dr. Carter told us. We did get an ointment that helps increase the appetite, and also picked up some prescription food that will help with her kidneys. We declined the offer for more blood tests, and other tests. She is almost 18 years old, she has lived a wonderful life, and our plan is to keep a log or two on her fire in the wood stove, and let her live out her days or weeks or months as comfortably as possible. We don’t want her final stretch being stressful and painful. She doesn’t deserve that.

Thanks again for the good thoughts. Expect to see a few Oreo blips over the next little while. She’s asleep in front of the wood stove right now.

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