Bathroom #1, Day #2
This is David sitting in the semi-blown out remains of our bathroom in what will one day be my new bathtub. He's installing the valve while Greg works on the wall board where the new toilet will be in the alcove opposite where David is sitting.
That big square under the window that looks like something they just ripped off the wall is actually the new tile, called 'carpet'. I'm confident that it will look much better on the wall. It doesn't photograph well. I certainly hope so because it is going to be on a good portion of the walls in there.
Spike was doing OK with all the noise until the furnace guy arrived with his ladder. For reasons we will probably never know, Spike does not like/is afraid of ladders, so I took him out for a walk. I forgot my camera or even my phone so I just told myself that sometimes it is nice to be able to live in the moment without having to worry about photographing it.
Tomorrow we'll take Spike on a good run and then hang out at the Trail House for a bit. Our eardrums need a rest.
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