Definitely not wild

I've reserved a small space at a forthcoming exhibition thinking that I have enough material that hasn't been exhibited before to make a decent display, and reckoned that as the space is so small and therefore inexpensive I would stand a good chance of selling something to recoup the cost of the space and make a small profit.

I already have several mounts and I'm going to re-use some of the frames that held the images in my solo exhibition last July - let's ignore factoring in the cost of my time to prepare and hang the exhibition.

A few days ago I actually read re-read the information about the exhibition. It's entitled: 'Into the Wild'. You know that feeling you get when you go all cold and clammy, then sweat a bit? Usually when you've not prepared for an exam or job interview?

I've got a couple of weeks to pull together some 'wild' themed photos. So far I have a dead rat (with bluebottles), some fish and some wild looking trees. I don't think people will be battering the door down to buy a photo of a dead rat, somehow .....

Do you think crocuses are wild? No, thought not.

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