
9°C  -  16 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  24 mph Gusts  -  Sunny Intervals.  Spent three and a half hours this morning helping my computer to upgrade from Microsoft 10 to Microsoft 11.  Still learning about the changes this has made to the way things work.  To my mind upgrade doesn’t necessarily mean improved operation, it just means the ‘boys in the back room’ have been busy playing about with making changes in the OS that keeps them in work!!  One big change that’s annoying me is the position of the Task Bar – the vertical righthand position doesn’t exist anymore and that’s where I’ve had it for years! I wonder what else I’ll find that’s a minus rather than a plus!?  One good thing today was the weather  -  lots of sun☺  Also got today’s blip through the kitchen window of a handsome Pigeon who stayed long enough for a nicely focussed shot☺

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