Thames riverside.

Having to be home for 8.00 am to await the arrival of the gas man I had very limited time to be out this morning which was a shame as it was another glorious dawn. It is now 14.44 and I am still waiting! )):
Never mind - I have got a lot of jobs done in the home, and I managed to capture a bit of the sunrise on camera.
Thank you so much for all the hearts , stars and lovely comments for yesterday.
I feel bad about my lack of commenting. My only excuse right now I am dealing with all the "stuff" one has to when winding up a deceased estate - it is mind boggling! Huge decisions needing to be made about whether to move or stay, sell or buy etc. I am so grateful for the time I have to get out with my camera, and to you, my lovely Blip friends, bless you all.

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