
Today has been something of a difficult day, with big stuff happening elsewhere that's occupied my mind! The good bits of the day were going to the coffee morning and listening to one of the guys talk to me about his wife who passed away 15 years ago...such a privilege to hear some stories! 
The kids came home from school excited as they'd got 'pets'. Asha had found this caterpillar and has named him 'Fred', and she'd found a tiny beetle for Nate and he's named it 'Everest'. 
Tonight I walked round the bay to go get a tattoo done - it's been years in the planning with my sister, Hannah. We've both got the same...I'll add a phone pic into extras. It's a sun and moon to represent the fact that I was born at sunrise and Hannah at sunset. I'm really pleased with it! Plus Didi who did it is an absolute love and it was nice just to have time with her!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Good old Bulliblips being full of wisdom and at the end of a WhatsApp chat.
2) Finally getting this tattoo done - Han had hers done on Sunday.
3) Nate doing brilliantly well with writing letters. 

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