
Last year on what would have been my mother's 92nd birthday I blipped a picture of me searching for a picture of her on the internet and admitting failure. I said then that I would post one of her and my father at some stage, but it has taken me a year to do it.

This is one of those family images for which I can give the time and place co-ordinates precisely. It was taken on the 31st March 1980 at about five pm in the Lochmaddy Hotel, North Uist. It is a detail in one of the wedding group photographs taken when Cathleen and I got married and today is our 33rd Wedding Anniversary.

It wasn't snowy that day though - it was blowing a gale. Indeed so much so that some of the guests couldn't get over from the Island of Berneray for the ceremony as it was too rough for the ferry (and it was 19 years before the causeway opened) although they did eventually manage to persuade Donald Angie to bring them for the reception !

I also realised as I prepared this for blipping that when it was taken my parents were almost exactly the same age as I am now.

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