Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

First wall for the Blacksmith

When something looks like it will be hard, I study it, and just jump in and do it.  Mistakes can be fixed.  So I started on the back wall of the blacksmith's building.  Simple wall with a window.  The kit comes with very nice cast windows - yet to be painted.  I used that one on the metal plate to check the framing hole to make sure it will fit.

Between the metal flat base holding the full size wall plan, and wax paper to work on, it went pretty fast.  Fortunately I bought a Chopper a while ago and it makes cuts on a kit like this way easier.

I have three other walls to go.  Then the frames get turned over (currently the outside is on the metal plate so we get a flat surface for the siding.  The siding is all scale 2 x 8's so plenty of chopping.  Fortunately the roof is at a 45 degree slope so I can chop off the top of a stick at 45 degrees, then cut it to length as I move across the front and back walls.  

I won't blip all the steps until I get the walls done, windows installed, and on the base.  Just repetitive.  Because there is so much detail to add inside the building, I am cutting a piece of 1" styrofoam to work on and then scenic,.  When complete,  I can slip it into a matching hole on the layout.  This will make adding lights inside and a red pulsing fire pit easier.

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