Double Shot Mummy


First Day at Spring Camp!

Much to my relief, it went so well. My expectations of terrified children feeling abandoned couldn't be further from the truth. I though Bailee would be the one who was anxious about seperating from me, but she was silly, happy about it when I went to pick them up! She had a huge smile and told me straight away that she'd been doing exercise and dancing. Also that Oscar had green paint in his hair. Oscar told me that they read a buzzy bee book and that they did handprints (Oscar's were blue, Bailee's green and red: I am interested how accurate this is!)

So I felt a great sense of relief. I had told the teacher that all I wanted was for them to have fun and be cared for. They both told me in the car that they would like to go back to 'school' tomorrow. Hopefully the enjoyment will continue!

Maple and I went to the Mall of Emirates. I am in desperate need of new clothes. Everything I looked at was synthetic. I want cotton for this heat. So unsuccessful shopping trip but it was nice to just hang with Maple and know the twins were having a good time too :-)

We had a nice time at the park in the afternoon. Oscar and Bailee went to bed especially well tonight; they seemed content but exhausted.

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