Market Day

There were bargains to be had in Bantry this morning: - a stuffed and very ancient looking guinea fowl, Baby Jesus in a basket,  a BVM in a wooden shrine, Jesus grown up, and the most astonishing array of seriously rusty - I mean dropping orange bits - tools. I bought some Greek olives and some cheese made up the road in Inchigeelagh.

No sign of any plumbers by the time I had returned home but in the early afternoon D and D rocked up with tanks and boilers and proceeded to wash out the radiators and do some general fiddling/preparation. The stuff that washed out was pretty grisly. One of the Ds will be back tomorrow at 8.30am and I have been invited to Myrtleville to look at a well so will leave them to it!

Edit: another blipper was also after the same things that caught my eye!

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