
Is it me or are mattresses getting heavier ?  More training for me today from the other side of the bed (somewhere I have never visited).  I make the Current Mrs Creel sleep nearest the door in case of burglars or Nicholas Parsons impersonators gaining access in the peedie small hours. CMC reminded me that ‘there’s more to making a bed than you realised’.  I tried to channel Mrs Munroist’s ‘hospital corners.’  Apparently the training must go on.  I then fixed a dripping tap with a new cartridge.
Scene 2: I chopped up some logs for Karen and delivered them – not before I hit my hand with the axe – germolene was imbibed.  I planted some wood cuttings for our friends in Holm.  A young man came in past today and fitted a smart meter.  It’s not that smart because it cannot hoover or wash up.

Being permanently ecstatic should always be discussed with your Career Advisor.

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