And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


Its been a cracking day weather wise in Scarborough today, just lovely :) Dave's been in the garden about hours he;s just eaten his tea and now pooped. Had loads of salad stuff to use up so I did with beef trimmed in mustard in wraps and micro chips for me and proper fried chips for Dave, Dan & Imogen. Its was scrummy even though its not a typical Easter lunch I will make the joint I got for today tomorrow. Managed a short walk this morning agony as usual but not quiet as bad :) just had some yummy Greek yoghurt with 2 tsp of local honey on Hmmm mmm I love it :) even better it was 0% fat Greek yog :P

Going to go out for a drive tomoz and some lunch so I will get some good blip opportunities :)

Thanks for all your comments on the carrots lol

love c x x x

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