Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Our New Bird Feeding Pole.

The Feast Day of St. Coleman.
It is 10c and cold but dry. It could brighten up later.
I have been busy doing housework and then, after watching a film called The Christmas Star, I went to Ray's on the High Street for some top up bird food. They were selling two fat blocks for the price of one, so I bought four to store for the Winter months. The pink fat blocks have berries embedded and the cream ones have insects.
Paul and me bought the bird feeding pole as a celebration of our 35th Wedding anniversary on Monday. It is meant to be jade, but there are few useful things made of jade. We decided to get married on my Mum and Dad's 36th Wedding anniversary in 1986, because they were wonderful parents and this is the first year Mum is in the next world, so there is a sad side to it, but I will be thinking of them.
If you buy a bird pole like we did and you wonder what to do about a base, go for a Christmas tree metal base from Amazon. It works perfectly, but measure carefully for the right size.
Have a lovely Saturday and thank you for dropping by.

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