
One of the many things that has struck Mrs Chrispy and I in moving to Warwickshire is the number of raffles we have come across when we are out at social gatherings etc. not had much luck until today when Mrs Chrispy went to St Nicholas Church of England Church in Alcester today. 

They were hosting the Christmas Market and Mrs C bought some raffle tickets. Whilst out doing some shopping in the afternoon she gets a call to inform her she has won a hamper. So the Blip for today had to be an image of the hamper which was donated by Hillers which is a great local farm shop.

My main task of the day was to complete a Christmas Card that we could send this year. Job done so I sent it off to print so I could get a significant bonus reduction.

Tomorrow its the turning on the Xmas Lights in Alcester. Looking forward to the event.

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