Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

The late afternoon light...

... was stunning when Roy and I went out for walk number two this aft...
This is SOOC - the sun was really glinting off the rails!

It wasn't too shabby this morning either, when we walked along to Cullercoats to meet DavidC and his Editor for a mini blipmeet at Beaches and Cream! ( extra at Cullercoats and on the Longsands) It was still quite warm so we sat outside - though the wind did almost pick up the toast rack and whisk it away :)

We walked back to Tynemouth together via the Longsands, and we left Mr and Mrs DC at the station to wander the market and catch the Metro home.

This evening I met Sue again and we picked up a takeaway coffee from Gareth's and walked a bit of the river... The boys were excused, as they'd both done enough for the day :) The huge full moon rose behind Collingwood as we sat on one of the benches, and we considered ourselves lucky to be in such a beautiful setting!

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