
By Farmerboab

Saltire supporter.....

Another busy one today.
Fed all the inside cattle then did the rounds feeding the outside ones. Not onto the full winter routine yet as most of the cows and calves are still outside. Back is starting to niggle already,presume it will only be a matter of time until things go ping again. The joys.
A bit of a fencing job next . The drainer's pushed in some posts and stobs yesterday with the digger bucket round about the water tank in the field. I ran a barb wire round them and stapled it on. Only problem was the ground was that soft that when I strained up the wire the corner posts moved instead ! Any way ,it's up , functional enough to keep the cattle off , but not pretty.
Littlemiss off with her pals to watch the Scotland/Japan rugby match at Murrayfield this afternoon. Think they were happy enough with the result.
Headed off to fill the Jerry cans with petrol tonight. Just about need an armed guard to follow me home ! Diesel at the local Shell garage is now at 152.9p / litre and petrol is at 148.9p. How come there was outrage at the prices a few years ago when prices were in the 130s but nobody is saying any thing about the price now ?
As they say,at least Dick Turpin wore a mask ! !

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