At The Vet

I took Lizzie back to the vet today to have him check out what appeared to be a skin tag which both the vet and I missed on her last visit.  It's nothing to worry about he said, just watch it for any changes.  

Lizzie and I went to the vet with my daughter Lisa and her kitty P.J.   It turned out that we both had appointments close to the same time so we went together.   P.J. has a sore on her chin and now has an antibiotic to take.  P.J. is older than Lizzie and frail, but still frisky.  She weighs just over 4 pounds and Lizzie is slightly over 15 pounds.  I was glad I had my daughter's help because it's getting harder and harder for me to carry Lizzie in her crate.  I need to find one on wheels. 

We ran into this pretty girl while we were waiting.  Her name is Liberty and she's just a year old.  

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