A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Sunday Morning

Once the gardening is done and the cold settles in, I spend a bit more time in the kitchen. There are exceptions, of course, but I like to bake something for Sunday breakfast. It seems a cozy way to begin a typically leisurely morning • Sometimes I will try a new recipe to shake things up and surprise MrsP, but baking one of our favorites tends to be the norm. Like this morning, I made an old standby, Maine blueberry-cornbread muffins. Add a cup of hot tea for MrsP and coffee for me, along with some fresh fruit, and we’re happy little campers :) • Breakfast holds a special place in our house. It’s a time to discuss the plans for the day, or read the news and share anything of particular interest, scan the weather forecast, and, no, politics is never off limits! • Mornings can be quiet too, either when sleep is poor, or Louise hasn’t started on her second cuppa… • Hope you’re all enjoying your Sunday too :)

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