Much colder today but bright and sunny.  We went to see Mum today.  She is doing really well and looks terrific for 90 years old.

Stopped off on The Prom again to take this photo of Grange in the distance with The Lake District fells beyond.  All looking really good.

More problems with editing and trying to use laptop but it appears  to be working  again at the moment.  I'm  sure it has someting to do with LightRoom's update.  When I can next week I will pop into Kendal to see  if someone can look at for me and get it back to me fairly quickly..  Will keep plodding on for now.

The news of Covid in Europe is not good, but I don't understand the need for violence, to me that defeats what they are supposed to be protesting about.  My wish is that everyone that is able get's vaccinated to help protect themselves, loved ones and the whole world.  It won't make it go away but if we are better protected that has got to be a good thing, hasn't it??

Do take care everyone, stay safe and see you all tomorrow.

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