A chance meeting

We noticed that our cat Lily had a sore looking left eye at breakfast so it was off to the vets with her this afternoon. So glad we have a vet that is open on Sundays. When we got there we found that they are allowing one person to go in with their pet now instead of having to hand the pet over at the door as has been the Covid rule. MrsW took Lily in and came out with her after 20 mins with the news that Lily has extended her fan base. Everyone says how beautiful she is and how good she is. I'm sure it's going to her head. We have some drops which we've got to put in her eye, which will test how good she is! They put some orange liquid in her eye to help examine it which has left her with orange eyeliner. Quite fetching for a cat with blue eyes. 
A quick jaunt down to the river when we got back to grab a blip before the light totally went. I was going to post a sunset shot but I met these two guys on my return, blocking the footpath. Not the best of shots but it was hand held at 1/6th sec due to light conditions. I don't usually see deer down this close to the bridge so a bit of a rare siting. 

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