I had an idea I wanted to paint these delicious hopefully I will get around to it ere long. The sun shone this morning but what a chilly day it was.. properly cold after our long autumn. We gave the grass its last cut of the year and gathered up the fallen leaves..we have run out of space for them! Another section of the garden wall has partially collapsed. We need to get it sorted soon as it has fallen against the base of the oil tank .. not a nice place for the chap to have to work really.. a bit tight. I blame the builders and the heavy machinery they have had to drag in and out of the site over the past nearly two years.. I just hope all their digging and banging isn't moving our house as well as the dry stone wall. Hoping the mortar will be giving support.
Heard today that our neighbours have been isolating after the wife contracted covid after sitting next to someone at dinner .. only she developed it.. the other two in the household still testing negative
... and that was the weekend..
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