
Spent the last while debating the pros and cons of a prime telephoto lens for wildlife photography.

New it costs over £13000.00.

Found a mk 1 version used for around £2000 in good working order.

Mulled it over. And over. And over. Eventually decided night before last that I was going to buy it.

Woke yesterday still not sure. Very very heavy. Needs to be used with a tripod if intending anything more than a shit before putting down again. Totally impractical for travel and for distance walks and hikes.

But…..image quality is as good as it is possible to get.

Wouldn’t have been such debate if I was still using a DSLR but I swapped over to mirrorless in the spring. Which means the big prime isn’t a native lens (unless I want to fork out over £16000.00 (yes that’s right) for the equivalent lens designed to fit my new camera.

Good old YouTube. Checked out multiple practical reviews of the replacement lens (for the one pictured) Canon produce for their new mirrorless range. Image quality on a par with the prime. Not as much background blur but otherwise…..and seeing as I am on the move a lot it really became a no brainier……..despite which I still hummed and hawed some more this morning

Anyway. New lens ordered. Current one up for sale. Hence the pain. I LOVE this lens. It’s amazing. Solid. Sharp. Cared for. Hope it finds a new home

…….I could’ve just said here’s a picture of my favourite lens which is now for sale because I’ve ordered a replacement

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