Garden Centre

There was an interval in the early afternoon when it stopped raining and the sun came out for a while, but in the main it rained all day and into the evening. The temperature has dropped as well. The couple of warm days we had last week are now a distant memory.

I was told the plants needed a fleece blanket. I reckoned that was a need I shared with the plants. I had a mental vision of me and the plants wrapped cosily in our blankets.

With this picture in my mind I was told we would have to visit the garden centre. This is not a place I would normally go for a fleece blanket. Still the garden centre did give me my only Blip opportunity for the day. There were two rather tired hanging baskets which still had some colour.

The plants were bought their fleece blanket, though it was not quite what I had in mind for myself when imagining a nice warm blanket. I will not be sharing a blanket with the plants.

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