Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess


I saw this patchwork quilt in the waiting room at the Breast Screening Clinic in Edinburgh where I had been recalled for further investigations. All was fine in the end and I won't need to go back for three years in line with the usual screening programme. 

I don't know the story of this quilt although I'm sure there must be one. In the yellow embroidery panel you can see what looks like an Egyptian scene with two mirror image birds and a symbol which may mean something specific, or perhaps it could be a combination of the ankh (symbol of life) and the ribbon which is used for breast cancer awareness. The symbol is repeated in the pink panels but with the right hand leg shorter than the left. I didn't think to ask about it while I was there as I was taken up with what was happening. If it's still there in three years maybe I will ask then!

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