
By mcgoobs


A bad picture, but it's all I've got!

This is Indie, enjoying her freshly washed bedding and looking concerned because my brother James looked like he was getting ready to go out (we were, dogs know these things).

Went to my other grandparents on my Dad's side of the family today and ate enough for three people. Vicki made an amazing cake topped with malteasers too! So much chocolate!

It's been nice to be home and see family and spend time with the pooch but I'm feeling restless now. Knew it would be a different dynamic this time around, but can't wait to get back to Leam and be around friends all the time and be busy. It's so much easier to stay motivated when you're busy, paradoxically. I have spent too much time faffing. Never mind, I have a few lovely things planned for the next week and need t0 try and stay motivated with work inbetween times, or i will seriously, seriously regret it later on......

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