
By youngniks

Easter Chicks

A fairly normal day ... how nice! The sun's finally shining (although its still cold and there are traces of snow around). Drive down to Reading and go to the Thai restaurant with Mum and Dad, Alasdair, Clare and Jennifer. Come home and do the usual hunt for the Easter bunny gifts - usually in the garden, but this time in the front room (its too cold for Mum outside). Mum is lovely ... treating me like a daughter again. She's very confused about some things, but it's easy to be gentle with her and she's fine. Change the sofa covers over to their summer covers - it makes the whole room look fresh and summery which is nice for them. Chris calls from Juba. It sounds like such hard work for him out there - I'm very proud of him! His new girlfriend is keeping him sane - Serena.

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