The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

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Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Sometimes (often) I can’t be @rsed deciding what to cook. On these occasions, when I ask The Prince for inspiration, we have the same conversation. Every time!

Me: “I can’t think of anything to cook. What do you think? And don’t say…”

The Prince: “Baked potatoes? I love a baked potato.”

Me: “…baked potatoes. We don’t have any and they take an hour and a half to cook. What else? Not…”

The Prince: “Macaroni cheese?”

Me (wondering if a glass of wine counts as dinner): “…macaroni cheese. It’s not ideal for the resident vegan.”

So, zero inspiration! Basically, The Prince wants cheese and spuds or cheese and pasta. He must have LOVED school dinners. I wonder if his next request would have been spam fritters?


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