A challenge

A productive day, quilting and getting ready for the next two sewing group meetings. Plus a couple of naps as I was a bit short on sleep last night.

I’ve talked myself into doing a short article about our hospital badges and medals. It all started when there was a discussion about the decoration for the 70th anniversary cake, the hospital badge is normally used and I asked ‘which one’. My hospital badge on the left was received in March 1966 when I qualified and the Bates Silver medal was awarded in December of that year. They are slightly different, the one on the right is missing a section of the building and has three pears in the quadrant. I don’t know why the design changed……I need to try to find out.

The page that’s under the badges is from the prospectus of the School of Nursing. I received it in 1962 when I applied to start training. They must have had a good stock and had a number of staff changes, so amended the details. Interest to note that there was only one male member of senior management, a tutor, and all female staff were unmarried.

There was a fair old hunt for the silver polish, these haven’t been cleaned for about 30 years !!! 

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