To and fro

Back and forth
In a routine of finishing work and taking stuff over.
I think part of it is about habituating my brain, gradually adjusting the internal satnav.

Two lots of supervision; discussed the changes in guidelines and, in spite of perpetual tiredness, feeling the benefit of having a ‘new’ manager (the one I discovered has legs when we finally got to meet a few weeks ago) with a very different, more human and authentic style to what has gone before.

It was a great relief to listen to the end of Brian Cox’s ‘Universe’ and hear him say (re: black holes) ... ‘don’t worry if you don’t understand what I’m on about...nor do I fact, nor does anyone’. And then he giggled a bit. Also quoted Stephen Hawkins ‘If you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up. There’s a way out’.

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