King's Cross

Been here toomuch recently, tires and bored of it. It didn't help I went to what turned out to ve a very (very) dull property portfolio meeting where they key things discussed werr rent yields and gearing ratios. I did have a building tour to see a chiller unit and water pumps. I asked to be on the property committee because I don't like the decisions that have been made recently about paint colours - which haven't been discussed yet and make me live up to a very female stereotype!

In other news, I had coffee this morning with the mother of a very good friend, which was so lovely and long over due. 

Today I'm grateful for:
The headteacher coming to find the eldest to say he hadn't done well in his phonics, he had done very well and how impressed he is
Taking library books out on the boys library cards - our 6 week fine was £1.30
A few weeks respite from the masters, it's been bliss and I've really needed the break. 

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