Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

First Easter in the new house

I am determined today to get my blip posted before I become too tired!

My first inclination was to upload an interesting photo of some light and shadow I observed while dusting and cleaning beneath the bed. (didn't turn out very well, photographically) I can remember as a child being afraid of the dark, my overactive imagination conjuring up scary monsters lurking under my bed. I would stand at the doorway, poised for the quick five foot dash, then hit the light switch, run, and leap into bed quickly so the monsters couldn't grab my ankles. Once beneath the sheets, I was safe.

Now, as a grown up, I realize the monsters are still around. If only they were still the big and hairy variety, hiding under the bed. These days, it could be your job, it could be your spouse, sometimes it's news of a friend's poor health, it could be someone walking away with your heart in their hand, it might be your boss, or the bank. It's that heavy feeling that sits between your shoulder blades, like a backpack. There will always be things waiting to grab you by the ankles and pull you down. Still, once under the covers, you feel safe again, for awhile.

After wresting myself away from the underbelly of the bed, I got outside again to enjoy the sunshine, the warm, sweet air, and the spring buds growing fat and plump, getting ready to burst into the world. It will be our first spring in this wonderful home, and I can tell many wonderful surprises are in store.

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