Call me Cinders…

Hi Everyone,

Well, the day started with a quick check on the YouTube malarky, I have got all the AdSense stuff completed so I can now be paid. I just need to make some more videos; I was doing two a week and have dropped to one every 10 days whilst I sort all the stuff at home. I have a spreadsheet of many topics to make videos on so just need to get myself busy.

I then did my Wednesday dump run and disposed of the unwanted stuff I have been sorting through. Once home I booked another slot to visit the dump again next Wednesday.

I made a request for some information yesterday and really want it to arrive, I had imagined that it would have been immediately returned but apparently not. Fingers crossed it will happen soon.

I had a visit to the supermarket and go a few supplies as I am going to try and eat a bit more sensible to combat the magical clothes shrinking cupboard. Anyway, I should be okay for the next week or so.

In the late afternoon I drove to Pompey and had my COVID Booster jab… Hopefully it should help keep me and my family a little safer… Although I am trying to reengage with the world again I have it in my mind that I will ramp up my “Out and About” activities until spring.

The Photo:
I don’t think I went to the ball - haha

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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