View from Sand Hill Cemetery

The day before Thanksgiving turned sunny and mild in the afternoon, and my husband and I took off for Bald Eagle State Park. Not to the main section of the park with the swimming beach and all, but to Upper Greens Run, where there's an old cemetery that we love.

It is called Sand Hill Cemetery, a pretty little graveyard from the 1800s on a hill overlooking the lake. It is always clean and well maintained, and there is a single bench for sitting on. Not far away is this view, looking out on a bit of the remaining foliage colors.

This time of year, with the trees turning into bare ruined choirs, feels like the ending of things. Late November, with its falling leaves, and with its days drawing down to early night, seems a perfect time for visiting cemeteries to me.

My soundtrack song is this one: the Wailin' Jennys, with Old Churchyard.

I rest in the hope that one bright day
Sunshine will burst through these prisons of clay
The trumpets will sound in the hills near and far
Will wake up the dead in the old churchyard

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