Day 329/21. War of the Worlds.

The country home Uppark near Petersfield today. Basking in the winter sun. See extra picture for a more conventional view. The interior (you can only visit the ground floor) is now decorated for Christmas but is very dark and dingy. Not worth visiting for the inside, to be honest.
I always try and learn a little of the places we visit.
Here is a snippet from Wiki:
The 20 year-old H G Wells spent the winter of 1887/88 convalescing at Uppark, where his mother, Sarah, was housekeeper between 1880 and 1893.
The house and the social hierarchy it embodied had an important effect on Wells' outlook. The deep class divisions between upstairs and downstairs he observed there helped to inspire many of his meritocratic, liberal and socialist views. Also significant was Wells' discovery of a telescope in the house's attic, which gave the future author of 'The War of the Worlds' his first opportunity to examine the night sky in detail.

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