Worsbrough - Fishing Platform
Trying out my new camera - I was a little thrown by the extra buttons on the top, which makes it quite different to my OM5 (or maybe not quite as different as I first thought). I need a guide book! I packed my OM5 up and sent it in for repair, so I hope they can sort the on/off switch. It seems that it is a problem these cameras suffer from. Bobby's card also posted. I had a few things to do so ended up here at Worsbrough Dam where I sat on a bench trying to sort the camera settings out. First I was joined by a cyclist who had stopped for a break and a chance to eat his Snicker. Then we were joined by a Robin who spotted him eating and when he left a man with a camera gravitated towards me, so I didn't get very far with the camera or indeed take any images of note.
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