
By SuffolkBumble

Easter Sunday

What a busy Easter Sunday.

Started off by travelling up to Trowse for a 10k with my Mother and my older sister. Was a lovely morning for a run - except for it being slightly fresh, losing the hour now it is 'summertime' and having to travel 45 minutes in the car just to get to the start line - and the field was in good spirits. I ran it with my sister to try and urge her to a PB, which she got mainly as she wasn't sure of her PB beforehand and so was changing it slightly to fit what she needed to do! My Mother and a couple of other friends who ran it also did brilliantly. Also thanks to my Father and Brother-in-law for the support along the way.

Then after a brief brunch and sit down I went to play in a charity football match in honour of a friend who died ten years ago. It was a lovely occasion with a minutes applause to begin with, both teams playing in the right spirit and everybody putting enjoying themselves above the result. Afterwards there were a couple of speeches, with some tears trickling down many of the cheeks there, and a bit of a party.

I nipped home for a roast with the family, taking this blip of an Easter Egg I bought my Brother-in-law (without me realising it was his favourite), my running medal, AWESOME creme egg brownies my little sister made and just the classic creme egg.

Then back out again for a bit of dancing and a few beers with everyone to catch up more. Brilliant stuff. Took a trip over OB whilst singing along to R-Kelly's Greatest Hits (My mind is telling me nnnooooooo, but my body, my body's telling me yyeeeesssssss), a few more drinks and a kebab to take home and watch some boxing at my cousins.

It was a fantastic Easter Sunday.

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