Carpet Crawlers

You know that you’re being given special treatment when the boss dons his knee pads to fit your carpets. Mind you, there was a lot of complaining about aching backs and knees at the end of the day! Actually, in the picture it is his partner who is doing the fitting and the boss is on hoovering duty. And just out of sight is another chap who was generally helping. In other words, they threw three people at our little house to ensure the carpet fitting could be completed today.
And my goodness, we had to work hard to keep pace with them. We’d left the study empty whilst we emptied the bedroom, so they started in that room. And, literally as we moved the last bit of the bed out the bedroom, they started in there. By this point the kitchen was full of furniture and the lounge was nowhere near clear. Having finished both back rooms, they went for an early lunch whilst we shuffled furniture around to give them a clear run at the lounge. At the same time, the plumber arrived to refit the hot water cylinder. I helped him carry it in, delivered a stern warning about not getting the new carpet dirty and left him to it.
And by three o’clock it was all over! Three rooms carpeted and hot water restored, though the latter was not without a bit of trauma - more tomorrow. Since then, I have reassembled the bed - for what I hope is the final time - replacing a few dodgy screws along the way. And the bookcases are back where they belong - in the study - though they are not fixed yet as they might have to be moved again when the desk/bed arrives on Tuesday. But we’re still on the garden furniture in the lounge - the new chairs and sofa are still a couple of weeks away from being delivered.
I really cannot thank Westmorland Flooring enough for the way they managed to fit us in to the schedule before all the big furniture was due to arrive - it wasn’t their fault we had to cancel the original date because the decorators hadn’t finished. More than happy now to wait until after Christmas for them to come back and fit the hard flooring in the hallway.

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