School ....
.... Choir.
First this morning J came to do my monthly pedicure then at 12.15pm I collectef Mary and we went to St John's church in Shirley ( where my daughter goes) . It was their Christmas Tree Fest, when all oganisations & people associated with the church decorate a tree , also craft and various stalls all to raise funds for the church and make for a social occasion. This afternoon St John's primary school children provided seasonal songs & carols along with their own complement of piano & drums. What delightful hour that was. Beautiful voices & dedicated drum players.
The blip is just a taster of what the church looked like. Well done all at St John's you've all done so brilliantly.
Hope the day has been ok for you, the rain only started here at 3.30pm but understand some parts were rainy all day. Batten down the hatches in case the storm hits!
Thoughtful .... of all the work & organisation goes into these festivities.
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