
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Ah, I love this picture. It makes me laugh. I can almost hear Caro's naughty cackling, but it is the look of HORROR on Shenée's face that cracks me up.

It is from another night at Jefe's playing "Cards Against Humanity". My wife - as you can see - is rather good at it. Shenée, on the other hand, has a tendency to hear the answers and blurt out, "But that's DISGUSTING".

"It's Cards Against Humanity!" replied Manda. "What do you EXPECT?"

Poor Shenée. "I didn't win one card all evening," she told me later. "Not ONE." 

And it wasn't like she didn't try. "Isn't anyone going to choose my 'big black d*ck'?" she protested at one point. "Oh come on!"

She's like an X-rated version of Margo Ledbetter.

But I am getting ahead of myself. The day started on a beautiful morning in Christchurch. Jefe and Corrie had left the previous evening and so I spent a lovely morning with Losi and April, doing some final checks on the rooms and then going to lunch. It really was a gorgeous day, and April took us for a walk along the river (see the extra).

Losi and I made it back to Wellington for about 3, then I rushed home because Jefe had invited me and Caro over for Thanksgiving. This was very exciting for me, as someone raised on American sitcoms. Although I told Jefe I didn't want to hold hands and tell everyone what I was thankful for, as I am by nature a very ungrateful person.

The evening was great fun. Manda prepared an amazing traditional turkey dinner and I got to meet her circle of friends who have ADOPTED Caro while I was away. 

"I looooooove your wife," purred one lady named Jade. "I just LOVE her. Can I keep her?"

So there was lots of eating, laughing and card playing. But as usual Caro and I found ourselves outstaying all the other guests. By about 1am it was just the 4 of us. I kept asking if they wanted us to leave but these Americans have real staying power.

It was another brilliant night and I am - for the second time this week - feeling pretty bloody seedy today. But at least this time I am back at home, on my own couch, with my boy Jasper cuddling up and Caro asleep on the other end of the couch.

Maybe I AM thankful, after all.


p.s. Corrie couldn't come to Jefe's tonight on account of she was at a fancy dress party. See the extras for a picture of Corrie and Siu as "Nacho Libre" and a nun.

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